Linux commands that every programmer should know.

Linux commands that every programmer should know.


2 min read

The command is just a program that instructs the system to perform a particular function.

if we talk about the syntax of the commands it goes as follows:

$ command [option(s)] [argument(s)]
  • Command is the name of the command.

  • Option changes the way the command is going to operate. Option may give additional or it might the affect the results of the command.

  • Argument will accept the name of any file, directory or program upon which the command will be operated.

So in this article, we will cover commands under one scope

1. General purposes commands

-date - this command is used to display the current day, date, time and year. Only a root user can change the time and date.

$ date [options]

-cal - This command is used to print the calendar for a specified month or a year.

$ cal [month][year]

-man(manual) - this command is used to provide a help manual about Linux commands, with all the options available with the command.

$ man command-name
  • who - This command show which users are logged in the system currently
$ who [options]

-passwd - This is used to change a password or to set a new password.

$ passwd
  • clear - This command is used to clear the screen of any content.
$ clear

-bc - This command brings up the calculator mode.

$ bc

-factor - This is used to display the prime factors of the number.

$ factor

So above are some of the basic general-purpose commands. Next, we will cover File oriented commands and directory-oriented commands.

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