Linux commands that every programmer should know part-2.


2 min read

If you have not read part-1 please have a look. Part-1

So in this article, we will cover Linux commands under two scopes which are File oriented commands and Directory oriented commands

File oriented commands

-cat - This command can be used to create a new file, display the content of an existing file, and append new data to an existing file.

to create a new file

$ cat > filename

to display the content of an existing file

$ cat filename

to append the data to the already existing file

$ cat >> filename

-Is - command used to display the list of files and directories in the current directory.

$ Is [options]

-cp - This command is used to make a copy of files or a group of files.

$cp [options] sourcefile newfile

-rm - This command is used to remove or delete files.

$rm [options] filename

-mv - This command is used to move files from one place to another, it can also change the name of the file or directory.

$ mv [options] source target

-head - This command is used to display the first 'n' lines of a given file. By default, it shows the first 10 lines.

$ head [options] filename

-tail - This command display the last 'n' line of the specified file.

$ tail [options] filename

-touch - This command is used to create the empty files(s).

$ touch filename(s)

-dir - This command is used to display the list of files and directories briefly in the current directory.

$ dir

-vdir - This command is used to display a long list of files and directories in the current directory.

$ vdir

Directory oriented commands

-mkdir - This command is used to create a new directory.

$ mkdir [options] directory name

-pwd - This command is used to show the user's current directory.

$ pwd

-cd - This command is used to change the current working directory to the new directory.

$cd path

-rmdir - This command is used to remove empty directories.

$ rmdir  directoryname

-tree - This command is used to display the directory structure of the system.

$ tree

So I would personally recommend you to try these commands yourself on a terminal.

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